Prison Guard Fail

EX Prison Guard Ivan Lee Fail Turns To Crime

Retired Prison Guard and Bully Ivan Lee Fail. Stared his Career in the Federal Prison at Lompoc California in 1959. The he moved to Leavenworth, then retired at the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield Missouri. He loved his job. He would have worked there for half pay just to savor and enjoy the power that the position gave him over other human beings behind bars. He had been an insecure Bully all of his life and it only got worse when his father passed on December 21, 2005 and he became a Millionaire. The day we buried our dad, Ivan J. Fail on December 23, 2005 – My Son Adam Fail asked Ivan Lee Fail the following question as a result of our sister June Fail Dedeke issuing a “No Contact Order” which Ivan agreed to preventing me and my children seeing my father before he passed. “Ivan, why would you not let us see Grandpa before he died? ”Ivan Lee answered. “Well Adam, you see Larry did this to himself. He has to pay for his mistakes and bad conduct.”

Adam said “this not the Leavenworth Prison.” Ivan Lee had worked as a prison Guard for 20 plus years. Adam then asked Ivan Lee to be more specific. Ivan Lee could offer nothing more except to say. “The deed will stay as it is.”

Ivan was talking about the “Transfer on Death Deed” that gave him, his brother John and Gary and Tonia Nelson $600,000 worth of Wilson County Farm land with a Ranch Home that Ivan J. Fail & Helen B. Fail wanted Larry Fail to get. Sister June did not want anything in her name as she had committed Medicaid fraud by having her name removed from the Transfer On Death Deed and replaced by the names of her daughter Tonia and her husband Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson to 200 acres of land that she was to get upon the death of her father. She stole Larry’s land and also attempted to steal John’s land on memorial day 2005.

There was 1100 acres of land with three sets of Buildings worth $2,000,000. There were four children that were to share in the Estate. Three got it all in a Conspiracy to defraud the fourth, Larry Fail and his Children. See the 34 Transcripts of Tape recordings between Larry Fail and Ivan Lee Fail wherein Ivan has full knowledge that Larry was to receive his share of the land. He also had a Power of Attorney that allowed him to resolve the deed problem before Ivan J. Fail passed, and Ivan J. had told Ivan Lee prior to his death in the rest home that he wanted Larry to get the land. Ivan Lee deceived Larry and his children into believing that he would take care of the deed so Larry would get the land.

Ivan Lee Fail then stalled, lied and deceived Larry and his children until Ivan J. Fail had passed. He then engaged in a smear campaign against Larry on the internet and contacting two of Larry’s lawyers threatening them in writing that their careers would suffer if they continued to represent Larry. The attorneys took Larry’s money and withdrew from the case Fail v Fail that Larry had filed in 2006. Co-conspirator, and beneficiary of the fraud Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson had also told a third lawyer that Larry had hired derogatory and demoralizing information that resulted in Wichita Liar/Lawyer Brian Grace-less defrauding Larry out of $2,500 and doing nothing. Larry later got an non collectable Judgment against Lawyer Grace-less. Larry also filed a Complaint against Lawyer Grace-less with the Kansas Disciplinary Administrator. Lawyer Grace-less has lost his liars degree, shut off his phone and closed his office. Larry received only $865.85 of the $2,500 that he had paid Lawyer Grace-less from the Kansas Client Protection Commission. See tab for Lawyer Brian Grace-less and listen to Larry’s Song “Money that’s all everyone seems to want.”

For further details Google Ivan Lee Fail, Gary A. Nelson, Tonia Nelson, June Dedeke, John Roy Fail & Patty Hon, and see the see the Letter to Kansas Governor at

Listen to Audio Tape of Transcript No. 28 wherein Ivan Lee Fail is telling Larry Fail that he talked to their father Ivan J. Fail on December 5, 2005 and their father told him that he wanted Larry and son Adam to get the land and Mineral Rights in question. Ivan Lee Fail, June Dedeke, John Roy Fail, Patty Hon and Gary & Tonia Nelson stole the property anyway. Also read Tape Transcript 28 – select Tape Transcripts Black index bar to the left on the web site Based on firsthand knowledge, the facts and evidence, it is the authors opinion that Ivan Lee Fail engaged in criminal activities including criminal conspiracy, malicious harassment, threats, duress, perjury, elder abuse, and foul play. He currently lives in a state of denial on Large Estate near Sparta MO, living the good life as a self professed Christian. He was involved in a criminal conspiracy with my sister June Fail Dedeke, John Roy Fail, Patty Hon, Leavenworth Lawyer Gary A. Nelson and his wife Tonia Dedeke Nelson, my sister’s daughter and son in law better known as outlaw. Contact Information (800) 722-9529. [email protected]
Anonymous Email (From Ivan Lee Fail or ?) received August 23, 2013 & Reply from Larry "Never" Fail.

2013 - Death Threat From Ivan Lee Fail on Life of Larry Fail

Note: Similar to "Death Threat By Ivan Lee Fail" to Larry Fail - Nov 16, 2007.

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From: [email protected]
to: [email protected]
date: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:45 AM subject: Contact Form.mailed-by: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

First Name : Dee
Last Name : Biden
Address Street 1 : 616 Freedom Lane
City : Chanute
Zip Code : 66720
State : KS
Daytime Phone :
Email :

Comments : Watch your back. You done pissed off a lot of people and sometime its gonna be time to pay up. Your a fuckin Crook who should do the woirld a favor and commit murder suicide with your gay ass son. Go to hell. DEE



From: Larry MacPhale <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: Contact Form.
To: [email protected]


You are as phony as your name, address, phone number, & Email. Only Blood Sucking Vampires hide in the dark with covert Email addresses. You are a coward. You are a Kansas Republican Bigot. A Homophobic Moron still in the Closet. You are a relic from the past and pissed off because you do not fit into the modern world of Love and Acceptance. Your kind is being pitched into the dust bin of history. You have to be a member of the "FAIL FAMILY" to show so much interest in me and resent the truth so much. Wake up and smell the flowers instead of the Bull Shit being spread by the Fails, my three pathetic needy and greedy siblings, the Dedekes, Patty Hon & the Nelsons. The only thing that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing. That I will not do. I have forgiven but not forgotten. I have even forgiven you.......


Larry "Never" Fail

What would Jesus do?

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From: Larry MacPhale <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 8:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: Contact Form.
To: Adam Lawrence Fail <[email protected]>, jason fail <[email protected]>, Jason Allen Fail <[email protected]>, [email protected], June Monte' <[email protected]>, Crazy Jays Bed Shop <[email protected]>, charlie brown <[email protected]>, Gary Fail <[email protected]>, Larry MacPhale <[email protected]>

2007 - Death Threat From Ivan Lee Fail on Life of Larry Fail

Larry MacPhale <[email protected]>
1 message
Jay J Henegar <[email protected]> Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 10:50 AM
To: [email protected]

Good day,

I Want you to read this message very carefully, and keep the secret with you till further notice, You have no need of knowing who i am, where i live or hotel am lodging presently here,till i make out a space for us to see, i have being paid $5, 000.00 in advance to terminate you with some reasons listed to me by my employer,its one i believe you did a business with sometime ago, I have followed you closely for one week and three days now and have seen that you are innocent of the accusation,Do not contact the police or try to send a copy of this to them, because if you do i will know, and might be pushed to do what i have being paid to do,beside this is the first time i turned out to be a betrayer in my job.

Now listen,i will arrange for us to see face to face but before that i need the amount of $10,000.00 from you, you have nothing to be afraid of.I will be coming to see you in your office or home determine where you wish we meet,do not set any camera to cover us or set up any tape to record our conversation,my employer is in my control now,You will need to pay me $7, 000.00 advance,before we will set our first meeting,after you have make the first advance payment ,i will give you the tape that contains his request for me to terminate you, which will be enough evidence for you to take him to court(if you wish to), then the balance of $3000.00 will be paid later depending on our agreement when we meet.

You don't need my phone contact for now till am assured you are ready to comply good.

Mr. Jay Jay Henegar.


To Order Verified Copies of the Fail & Dedeke Death Threats Mail $10 for Costs to the following address in care of Larry MacPhale, 5470 South Greenwood St. Littleton, Colorado 80120.

Questions or Comments - Call (800) 722-9529 or (303) 525-0590

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