Tape Transcripts
**AUDIO CLIP of #28**
1. March 31, 2000 - Ivan J. Fail And Larry Fail - About Deeds And The Will.
2. July 2, 2000 - Ivan J. Fail And Larry Fail - About The Constructive Trust And Larry Three Siblings Were To Hold Property For Larry Fail
3. July 26, 2000 - Ivan J. Fail And Larry Fail - About Property And Minerals To Go To Larry Fail
5. September 29, 2000 - June Dedeke & Larry Fail - Constructive Trust
6. January 1, 2001 - Ivan J. Fail & Larry Fail - Horse Ranch and George Place To Go To Larry
7. March 14, 2001 - Ivan J. Fail & Larry Fail - Attorney John Rubow and Deeds
8. March 24, 2001 - John Fail and Larry Fail - Constructive Trust
9. February 18, 2003 - Ivan J. Fail and Larry Fail - Oil & Gas Properties
10. August 5, 2003 - Ivan J. Fail and Larry Fail - June Dedeke's Animosity Towards Larry
11. September 23, 2003 - Attorney John Rubow and Larry Fail - Deeds Horse Ranch and 160 acres
12. March 11, 2005 - Ivan J. Fail and Larry Fail - Ness County Minerals Belongs to Larry
13. April 11, 2005 - Attorney John Rubow and Larry Fail - Real Estate Deeds
14. May 22, 2005 - Ivan J. Fail and Larry Fail - Gene Dedeke Wanted Deed to Farm
16. June 5, 2005 - Ivan J. Fail and Larry Fail - Real Estate Values and Split
17. August 8, 2005 June Fail Dedeke and Larry Fail - Value of Property and Owners
18. November 4, 2005 - Cindy Fail and Larry Fail Discussion about Family Problems
20. November 21, 2005 - Ivan Lee Fail, Larry Fail and Adam Fail Discovery of Deed Switch
21. November 21, 2005 - Attorney John Rubow and Larry Fail - About Deed Switch
22. November 22, 2005 - Ivan Lee Fail and Larry Fail - About Attorney Rubow and Deeds
23. November 30, 2005 - Jane O/Bryan and Larry Fail - About Larry Fail being prevented from Seeing his Father Ivan J. Fail before he died.
24. November 30, 2005 - Larry Fail and Attorney Richard Hines, Attorney for Prairie Mission Retirement Village - About HIPPA LAWS and Larry Fail Not Being Allowed to See His Father
Ivan J. Fail Until He Died.
25. December 2, 2005 - Jane O'Bryan And Larry Fail - About Larry Fail Not Being Allowed To See His Father Until He Died
26. December 4, 2005 - Ivan Lee Fail and Larry Fail-Long Version-About Various Issues About The Property And Ivan J. Fail's Desire And Will To Have Larry And Adam Fail to Have the Property
29. December 5, 2005 11:30 AM - Ivan Lee Fail And Larry Fail - About Attorney Rubow and The Deeds